speculative nonfiction
Zoom Doomed
Not a day goes by when I don’t witness the over signifying of “meeting”. “Meeting” invokes a collective sigh for laborers since a better way seems a fairy tale. As a consequence, possibilities for elevated communication are damaged. But a meeting is so much more:
Calling the coordinated exchange of messages or moderated access to shared material (like a blackboard) a conference or meeting seems to neglect a factor that is rather important in meetings. Often the explicit exchange of messages is relatively unimportant compared with the development of social relations in the group of participants that happens simply by the fact that they are close to each other as humans for a while.
Thus, we may be Zoom doomed. Perhaps. We need to hire facilitators and train our people in facilitation. It’s a technical skill that most technologists lack, profoundly.
Wednesday September 30, 2020