: End products, habiting difference It’s Wednesday evening. Incandescence lazes out from the rectangle in the southeast corner of my …

: Tu B'shvat Having made the journey from the front yard to the back, beneath the weight of the second story …

: Guy outside Ritual Coffee on 5/27/24, I had a hot chocolate inside The guy in combat boots with a skull reading Love In the Time of Cholera on a call through the over …

: Seung Sahn's Dropping Ashes on the Buddha, and chat with Seraph and Marshall Good morning A man came into the Zen center and dropped ashes on the Buddha. One hundred and fifty …

: How to read A Hacker Manifesto McKenzie Warks' A Hacker Manifesto is so bergizi (trans from indonesian: nutrient-stuffed) so I …

: The kind of extro, outside RItual coffee on Valencia Being around people Benching just outside the coffee shop Heads pointing down Talking Tap clink …

: Machinery: Eva Hesse, her machinery

: From Amy Kurzweil at The Ruby in San Francisco on February 29th, 2024 The room was cold. The light a little caustic. Acoustics wan. From the back row I had to squirm to …

: Two drinks max or else The bartender at Berreta is asking if I like bitterness and I answer yes. At this point I’m …

: Sunday Prayer before heading to altitude Saying no to Lucy Ives everywhere and hitchhiking Leather Blvd. sipping cool aid Kita anak-anak …

: Hangry Can you eat here Can you get food here I can get food here I will get food here This place is too …

: Relationships in this economy “I didn’t realize what we had.” He couldn’t see from the view within his …

: Kelsey Blackwell's Race and the Body: Why Somatic Practices Are Essential for Racial Justice “Racism is a visceral experience” - Coates && “Including the …

: Class warfare on Duolingo 🌹

: My sparse margin note couplet from Jon Bentley's Programming Pearls, also bit of a book review, and a whole ass In 2015 I bought this book. 7, or 8 years ago. Year one into my software career. This book is canon. …

: Rutabagas Vol. 3: The Softest Ware: Is What are probably appropriate attacks on assigning calamity to the hand-wavy concept of “human …

: Goings on about town: Iowa teen grew 7,000 pounds of veggies, then gave them all away Over morning coffee, mixed with used iron goddess king tea leaves. Questions about things in paper. …

: Modern cities are inhuman: Vol 1 A post shared by Samantha Sophia (@raisingself)

: Le Guin on write what you know

: I slept pretty well last night

: Rutabagas: Vol. 2: Japan transform , museums saving the web, c apitalism makes software bad again, and more Aaron Straup Cope’s talk notes for Wishful Thinking VIBES. I read this post a few days ago …

: Rutabagas: Vol. 1: Careful with Octavia Butler, the Sex Forest Movement, Nat King Cole Sampler, and of course tech doomsayers Originally posted as a micro website at https://ross-rutabagas.neocities.org/. Rutabagas are now …

: But night software is not like that. It’s not written for the day job. It’s not written to see the …

: DEI Grieving and AI Skepticism IYKYK DEI in tech is all but dead. If you’re an outsider, it’s important to understand …

: From the hunter to the tactical tornado. Man and his-story!

: Book review: Event Factory I’m not sure how far Gladman’s fantastic Ravickian worlding has spread betond smaller …

: Book review: The Hospital Ship Bax evades a typically satisfying narrative arc for recondite reprints of medical texts and war-time …

: Collected turns of phrase “wish embroidering” - Eugene Lim, Dear Cyborgs “the air quicken before rain” …

: I watched Eastern Promises last night and this morning And Donnie Brasco And The Departed Before

: Lament for Tafteria: sailing the Apollo's docs Documentation, naming things. Hard. Let’s see this hardness compound at the intersection of …

: My soft animal body in the family of things Passing along this Mary Oliver poem shared by Nate Mullen last week at the Metaspore Symposium in …

: City Pop (Vibes) Immaculate Delusions It’s a bizarre aesthetic (and rhetorical) leap from Richard Mayhew’s Delusions to the …

: Jazz Vol. 1

: Closure was small, TypeScript is big (thinking w/ Dan Vanderkam) The dangers of premature optimization are well understood among software engineers who’ve been …

: Language ergonomic studies: Possession: Ruby, JavaScript, D/s, Mycology There exist happy little clouds of coincidence when studying new languages. And not just across the …

: What other optimisms lie in wait on the Enterprise NCC-1701-D?

: Language ergonomic studies: Ruby vs JS one-liners Coming from JavaScript, I was not expecting Ruby’s Enumerable module to have methods for …

: Rspec vs js, let vs let I love comparison pieces like Steve Hicks' article What JavaScript Tests Could Learn From RSpec that …

: Excerpt from Decision Making in Brainless Organisms by Raechel Anne Jolie from collection Make the …

: Just discovered Sun Ra’s recording at Haverford College, 1980. The story of this record is …

: Abolish The Family by Sophie Lewis But uh oh those summer nights. Right on the heels of a transformative family weekend! When Theo …

: With Anne-Marie Willis, professor of design theory at the German University in Cairo. Another world is possible. But what of worlding? How to world? When a Farley’s barista is a …

: Naur, goodies, 1985 years after Jesus Christ There are so many goodies in Naur, 1985. Filter, some(): Declares there’s no right way to …

: Naur, the optimist, 1985 years after Jesus Christ The year is 1985. Certain kinds of optimism abound in programming circles. From Peter Naur’s …

: Power Moves During her novel workshop on estate planning, Sarah Deluca of Move Money Shift Power poses the …

: Can you jam with the console cowboys in cyberspace? No. You can’t. Not yet. It’s quite possible that my work in computers today is a last …

: The other day I played the dérive along Valencia after a salad with a colossal heft of blue cheese. …

: Bringing back sweet memories. Atmospheric pressure. La lluvia frames colored paint. The real miracle …

: TERFism studies: Naziism for Transmisogynist Feminists I’m still processing far too much from Week 1. Feminists Against Women: the Politics of …

: Summer lewks leaked. Sunscreen is a conspiracy, cover up with a shirt or heavy layer of clay. I want …

: With each new day it doesn’t rain I lose hope about the future of our species. I have a good …

: Redis Poem set things set them to expire set them to be exclusive set them to expire, be exclusive …

: Well-known ways that JavaScript coerces objects to strings It’s a proper cliche of commercial computer programs to bind audit reporters alongside code at …

: Language ergonomic studies: Summing ranges and most frequent terms Pennies per day (by day count) in Clojure: (defn pennyPerDay [numDays] (reduce + (range 1 (+ numDays …

: Language ergnonomic studies: 52 card deck Javascript: const cards = () = ['♥','♠','♣','♦'] .map((suite) = …

: Reading my streaming fancies with Le Guin's Carrier Bag of Fiction Why do I have such a big attraction to teen fictions (like _Never Have I Ever_)? For a while I've …

: Zoom Doomed Not a day goes by when I don’t witness the over signifying of “meeting”. …

: Not so byzantine algorithm studies: Using math to deliver your medication Like many commercial software developers, math plays a more sporadic role in my day-to-day work. …

: The loss of logical purity primacy Femi Ogunbanjo & Hanne Klintoe, 1999, The Loss of Sexual Innocence Back in February, my entire …

: The awkwardness of downloading concurrent, asynchronous academic threads around 2003/4 Halfway through _Companions in Conversation_ and I'm having this memory of being in college -- …

: Byzantine algorithm studies: Using math to reverse an integer Making code do something requires exactness but that doesn’t necessarily mean programmers will …

: What's a bug? …bugs are interesting and important in themselves: they define the boundary between what is …

: Recursion is too easy for writing nested menus in UI Hannah Höch, Für ein Fest gemacht (Made for a Party), 1936 Collage When paired with …

: A Recursive Validation Function with User-Defined Exceptions Every time I use a recursive function for something practical in commercial software my notional …

: Debugging TS in VSCode and Russel Ackhoff's Problem Treatments When I’m drifting between jobs – say, during a global pandemic and massive civil rights …

: The explanation of Question 12 of Lydia Hallie's fabulous list of JS interview questions, and others Lydia Hallie’s list of JS interview questions are extensive and probably one of the most …

: Book quotes and commentary: _Software Theory_ by Federica Frabetti In which Frederica Frabetti locates the “points of opacity” – malfunction – …

: Let's talk about Orchestration vs Separation of Concerns Check out the second – and I believe last – in this short series: …

: Preferring repetitive Action notifications over reuse Have you ever noticed yourself going to unnecessary lengths to avoid repetition in your code despite …

: The will to better software companies Lately I’ve been thinking about productivity and it’s evolutionary rhythm while scaling. …

: Some patriarchal intervention at Google I/O a while back About 11 years ago at Google I/O two dudes, Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman, presented The …

: Thinking about heuristics for avoiding code duplication across the stack At the office I’ve sprinkled some glue labor on a piece of documentation that attempts a …

: Maybe Eithers with Promises I want take some bits to process a recent issue of JS Weekly that reposted a new piece by Eric …

: Maybe maybes Migrating my content from Medium was due, but this past week became a particularly opportune time to …

: “do” helper for emphasis in variable naming However you mental wrap the process of realizing virtual things (writing, accretion, rose …

: More about anointed princes and gatekeeping culture Ok, gonna brain dump a little because I got excited about some synergy! Maybe I’m just really …

: Harmful ways to write about software Dispatch from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Arrived way too early because of traffic …

: A better term for unintentional technical debt The other day I got into a small argument with coworkers during the Sailboat exercise about the …

: Two tales of Binary Search I still have lingering rage from two years ago when an interviewer said to me: “I could …

: Deeper software concepts showing up in UI problems I’ve got three posts in my brain backlog now about more complex software concepts showing up …

: White theft/entrepreneurship I’ve been reading two texts this week. Side-by-side they offer another reveal of the tragic …

: React inline function gotcha, but in a non-obvious way I think a lot about Hillel Wayne’s blog post INSTRUCTIVE AND PERSUASIVE EXAMPLES: an interpolative …

: 499 closed connections Bugs reveal. I look, observe. I learn things. I just experienced another one. The customer …

: Debugging a test that does nothing This weekend I spotted Julia Evans posting tips about debugging – of course a zine quickly …

: Pre-crude development I caught this tweet by Ruth Malan yesterday. It’s a wonderful reminder about the tension …

: Too many imports, eyes tired There are too many imports in this React component file. I’m staring down like 50 lines of imports. …

: What's in a name? There’s always heated babbling (err…babeling) on the cyberspace to assign metaphor to our …